
Vestiges - Installation at Aquarium Gallery in New Orleans, March 2023

From the French vestige meaning a mark, trace, or sign, from the Latin vestigium meaning footprint or trace. I started this project by harvesting snails from Jacob’s aquariums and bringing them to live in my studio. Imagining them as my ancestors- time traveling mystics to behold secrets and mysteries of past and future. Through our friendship, I could bear witness to their universe, listen to their voices, and learn their songs. With this work, I’ve been thinking about the recent deaths of my father, and Sheila, our beloved German Shorthaired Pointer.

Vestiges / Vestigios

Video loop with sound

Tonight My Assistant Will Hear The Canals of Mars

Found material, cardboard, sand, panel, wall, work lamp, electrical cord


Found material, snail shell, lamp, electrical cord, wall and corner of room

The Huntsman and Her Long Lost Love (Dead Signals on The Vanishing Shoal)

Found material, cardboard, stucco, lamp, electrical cords, turtle shell, slate, wall

Your Tender Heart in the Stars | Third Century Sonorous Lobe

Found material, bored turtle shell, slate, electrical cord, lamp, glass shards embedded in wall

Ghost Channel